Headhunting Science, Research & Education

Vacancy for the Professorship of Sustainable Materials and Smart Digitalization - Kiel University of Applied Sciences

We support the recruitment of suitable candidates - application deadline March 21st 2024

The Kiel University of Applied Sciences has commissioned us to recruit for the "Professorship of Sustainable Materials and Smart Digitalization". The interdisciplinary, largest university of applied sciences in the country is looking for suitable candidates for the professorship in the Department of Mechanical Engineering until March 21, 2024.

Leading Center for Teaching & Research in Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is a leading center for teaching and research in mechanical engineering and works closely with the fields of smart digitalization and computer science. The institutes have a strong focus on research and are characterized by practical training for students and interdisciplinary projects.

Academic Teaching & Applied Research as Focus of the Job

The Professor of Sustainable Materials and Smart Digitalization will teach basic courses in the department's Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. In addition, he or she will conduct application-oriented research and thus contribute to the development of new knowledge and technology in this field. The professor will also be responsible for the transfer of knowledge to industry and other educational institutions. In addition, the position includes the task of supporting students in their professional development.

W2 Professorship for Qualified Candidates

The position is advertised as a permanent full-time position and is compensated as a W2 professorship. In addition to the general civil service requirements, applicants must fulfill the requirements of § 61 HSG and have at least a degree in this field. A doctorate, special achievements in applied research and pedagogical and didactic aptitude are also required.

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