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Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH
20097 Hamburg, Banksstr. 6

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Oliver Kutz

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Very good contact. The direct contacts were very well informed about the …



I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire team once again for …



Our task was to fill a top position. The Kontrast company advised us competently …

Vacancy Geotechnical Engineer (m/f/d)

Specialist for offshore wind energy projects wanted

May 8, 2024
Vacancy for the Professorship of Sustainable Materials and Smart...

We support the recruitment of suitable candidates - application deadline March 21st 2024

March 1, 2024
Chancellors, Presidents and Professors Recruited – Further...

We Find Administrative Experts & Professors for Various Special Fields in Research, Education and Teaching

September 28, 2023
Stellenangebote IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d) für...

Krankenhausinformatiker:innen – Medizininformatiker:innen für Projektentwicklung KIS/KAS und Zukunftsausrichtung der Klinik gesucht

August 18, 2023
Als vroedvrouw in Duitsland werken – tot 20% hoger salaris

Werkplek vlakbij de grens voor vroedvrouwen en verloskundigen met een goed salaris

June 27, 2023
Wat verdient een logopedist?

Grote verschillen in salaris tussen Ziekenhuizen , Gezondheitscentra en particuliere praktijken.

June 22, 2023
Career Opportunity for Architects and Urban Planners: Expert in...

Top Job in Germany. Public authority asking Kontrast Headhunter Hamburg for support. Responsible position at the House of Architecture in Wiesbaden with diverse job responsibilities. Architect with competence regarding public tender management and competitive procedures wanted.

June 13, 2023
Kununu Top Company 2023

Wir wurden erneut mit dem kununu-Siegel ausgezeichnet – 4,3 Sterne bei der Plattform für Arbeitgeberbewertungen

March 17, 2023