HR Consultancy Public Service

We Solve Staffing Bottlenecks for Key Positions

Public sector organisations find themselves in a predicament with staff shortages when, despite repeated advertisements for a position, no suitable candidates can be found. This often holds up processes and developments in the institutions or companies, or stops them altogether.

This is where those responsible for personnel in public administration turn to our headhunter team to speed up the filling of a vacancy and to quickly overcome the shortage of specialists or managers and start projects.

Quickly Finding the Right Candidate

In 2021, we were again commissioned to fill vacancies for which previous advertisements had failed. As an established headhunting agency, this is not an unfamiliar situation for us, and our headhunters started their direct search and executive search on the market with the corresponding experience. Thanks to our excellent contacts in the industry and our internal pool of candidates, we are quickly ready for such assignments and able to quickly recruit potential candidates for a position.

All Candidates Recruited are Screened

We always aim to submit only truly suitable candidates to our clients. Therefore, we carefully check the documents of the identified and contacted candidates and clarify important key points in an initial telephone conversation.

Thanks to this structured and targeted approach, we usually succeed in submitting at least three suitable candidates for a position to our client within the 90-day period.

Full-Service Agency - We Support the Selection of the Best Candidates

However, our team is often faster than the 90 days and recruits more than three qualified candidates. This puts our clients in a position where a selection process becomes necessary. As a full-service agency, we also provide support here if required and develop individually adapted assessment centres or aptitude tests.

The conclusion of one client: Without the headhunting agency, the company would never have found so many and such qualified candidates - "the headhunters were a real asset.”

Vacancy Geotechnical Engineer (m/f/d)

Specialist for offshore wind energy projects wanted

May 8, 2024
Vacancy for the Professorship of Sustainable Materials and Smart...

We support the recruitment of suitable candidates - application deadline March 21st 2024

March 1, 2024
Chancellors, Presidents and Professors Recruited – Further...

We Find Administrative Experts & Professors for Various Special Fields in Research, Education and Teaching

September 28, 2023
Stellenangebote IT-Projektmanager (m/w/d) für...

Krankenhausinformatiker:innen – Medizininformatiker:innen für Projektentwicklung KIS/KAS und Zukunftsausrichtung der Klinik gesucht

August 18, 2023
Als vroedvrouw in Duitsland werken – tot 20% hoger salaris

Werkplek vlakbij de grens voor vroedvrouwen en verloskundigen met een goed salaris

June 27, 2023
Wat verdient een logopedist?

Grote verschillen in salaris tussen Ziekenhuizen , Gezondheitscentra en particuliere praktijken.

June 22, 2023
Career Opportunity for Architects and Urban Planners: Expert in...

Top Job in Germany. Public authority asking Kontrast Headhunter Hamburg for support. Responsible position at the House of Architecture in Wiesbaden with diverse job responsibilities. Architect with competence regarding public tender management and competitive procedures wanted.

June 13, 2023
Kununu Top Company 2023

Wir wurden erneut mit dem kununu-Siegel ausgezeichnet – 4,3 Sterne bei der Plattform für Arbeitgeberbewertungen

March 17, 2023