Digital Economy Headhunting Agency - HR Consultancy

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Digital Economy

Headhunting Agency - HR Consultancy

We support companies from the digital economy in all questions concerning HR. As a headhunting agency, we take on the recruitment of suitable specialists, as well as executive search for leadership positions and management. As an HR consultancy, we carry out selection procedures and provide support in the planning, development and implementation of new structures and processes in HR management. In doing so, we see ourselves as your HR consultancy on a temporary basis and strive to find long-term solutions as your partner.

The digital economy sector - which evolved from IT - is one of our key industries today and we count companies for software solutions, robotics and applications, but also information and communication technologies among our clients. Many companies are so-called system houses that offer a wide range of technologies and services and support companies from other industries in implementing digital solutions. Accordingly, there are overlaps with medical technology or engineering, for example.

A challenge in the entire industry and thus also in the HR sector is the high level of dynamism - the digital economy is constantly developing and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, are being added. Accordingly, the HR sector must be flexible and constantly find and develop specialists and experts for current developments.

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